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Project Green Tree
Coast Redwood - Sequoia Sempervirens
Ponderosa Pine - Pinus Ponderosa
Ponderosa Pine - Pinus Ponderosa
Coast Redwood - Sequoia Sempervirens
Ponderosa Pine - Pinus Ponderosa
Ponderosa Pine - Pinus Ponderosa

The purpose of this project is an attempt to grow the Coast Redwood (Sequoia Sempervirens) and Ponderosa Pine (Pinus Ponderosa) from seeds. As a valuable note, if you have wondered how much water your plants or trees may require (because they are not native to your region) be sure to see Project "Rainfall" which will help you identify water requirements.

Environmental Observations
Outdoors From Seeds Attempts at planting seeds in indirect sunlight, in pots using potting soil failed. Most likely this was due to the fast evaporation rate of water near the surface of the soil where the seeds must be placed.
Outdoors Sprouted Seeds After seeds sprouted and were of one inch in height, moved the trees outside in indirect sunlight. This, as well, resulted in 100% mortality of the sprouted seeds due to fast evaporation and lack of humidity. It may be possible, after the treelings have grown in size to 1 1/2 to 2 feet, they will grow outdoors with watering every few days.
Indoors From Seeds Placed in potting soil** by a south-facing window, with near constant air temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit, approximately 20% of Ponderosa Pine sprouted and 3% of Coast Redwood sprouted and continue to grow.

Current Conditions
As mentioned previously, the seeds successfully sprout and grow while by a south-facing window, indoors with an air temperature of approximately 80 degrees Fahrenheit. After the seeds have sprouted and the height of the treelings changes, they are transplanted into larger pots; none of the Ponderosa Pines have died from transplantation (may be attributed to the method that I use which is described below). The Coast Redwoods are still in their original starting pots as their growth rate is slower than Ponderosa Pines.

Additionally, I've placed a Negative Ion Generator which outputs 60,000,000 ions per cubic centimeter within 8 feet of the trees. I have noticed that the trees appear to be developing better than without the Negative Ion Generator. I have not done any experimentation with the Negative Ion Generator and other types of plant life. The specific Negative Ion Generator used is the "Ionic Air Purifier XJ-2100". If you are electronically inclined you may decide to make your own Negative Ion Generator from several of these 12VDC (15kV Output) Negative Ion Generators.

Why Did I Choose Different Pots?
I've noticed that soil is like a downward sponge for water. In pots it seems that water gravitates to the bottom of them pretty quickly, leaving the top portion of the soil (where the seeds and, later, young roots) pretty dry. Overwatering to keep the top soil moist would just be a death sentence to the treelings as the middle to lower portion would be like mud (not enough air in the soil composition).

So, by maintaining a ratio of soil to the seeds and treelings size (root length) in conjunction with water content, that soil can have a fairly constant level of water along the length of the root of the treelings. With the Ponderosa Pines I've noticed that the height of the Pine above the soil will nearly equal the size of its root.

Pot Transplantation
When the seeds are first planted, they were placed in a 6 inch round, 5 inch tall plastic pot (very light watering every 2 days). After the sprouted seeds reach 1 1/2 inches in height, they are transplanted into a 9 inch round, 7 1/2 inch tall plastic pot (light watering every 3 days). After the treelings reach 4 inches in height, they are transplanted into a 12 inch round, 11 inch tall plastic pot (light watering every 6 days).

Coast Redwood - Sequoia Sempervirens
Ponderosa Pine - Pinus Ponderosa
Ponderosa Pine - Pinus Ponderosa
Coast Redwood - Sequoia Sempervirens
Growing in 6 x 5 pot
Ponderosa Pine - Pinus Ponderosa
Growing in 9 x 7 1/2 pot
Ponderosa Pine - Pinus Ponderosa
Growing in 12 x 11 pot

Pot Transplantation Step-By-Step
Shown below are the steps that I used to transplant the treelings from a plastic pot to the next larger sized pot. One reason I think there has been no treeling death when transplanting is because the soil that the treeling is in, is moved along with the treeling.

Step 1: Get the next larger sized pot
Step 2: Fill the larger pot to the bottom of the smaller pot
Step 3: Place smaller pot inside the center of the larger pot
Step 4: Fill-in around the smaller pot; pack lightly so it retains its form
Step 5: Remove the smaller pot slowly
Step 6: Get the smaller pot you want to transplant the contents of
Step 7: Using a long, thin object (such as a knife) go around the perimeter of soil to break it free from the pot
Step 8: Place your hand over the top of the smaller pot (you may need to spread your fingers to cover as much area as possible). Turn the pot upside-down.
Step 9: Squeeze around the pot until you can loosen it from the soil
Step 10: Pull the pot away. This will leave the soil in the form of the pot
Step 11: Carefully rotate your hand with the formed soil and place into the larger pot

Where Can You Get Coast Redwood or Ponderosa Pine Seeds?
Local nurseries may have them (depending on where you are). The other choice is online. Here are a few places that I found: - Ponderosa Pine (scroll about 1/2 way down the webpage) - Coast Redwood (scroll about 3/4 way down the webpage)

Prefer A Redwood or Pine That's Already Sprouted?
If you don't have the time or don't want to guess about how many trees will actually sprout from seeds, and the worries of caring for them until they are fairly tall, you can purchase ones which are already started:
Nature Hills Nursery - Ponderosa Pine
Giant Sequoia - Redwood Seedlings

Learn More About These Trees - Ponderosa Pine - Coast Redwood

** The potting soil used (indoors and outdoors) was Kellogg Premium Potting Soil 0-25962-08725-8 (available at Lowe's, but not on the Lowe's site). Miracle Gro Garden Soil Trees & Shrubs 0-32247-33593-5 was used as well with less success (material was too coarse). Additionally the Trees & Shrubs soil proved very attractive for small gnats and flies (literally hundreds of them which were difficult to irradicate).

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