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Project Clone
The purpose of this tutorial is, now that we've built a base LAMP CentOS VM server, cloning our base LAMP VM and performing futher work / customization on the clone.

NOTE: This is Part 2 of a larger tutorial of creating a development environment from scratch to installing Zend Server (the defacto web development platform for PHP and mobile applications). Please go to the Main Page -> Programming -> Linux for the whole series.

  1. To make separating the base LAMP VM server from the clone easier to spot, I've renamed the original base LAMP VM server (from part 1 of this series "Project LAMP") to "Parent_Sandbox-CentOS-64-bit".

  1. To begin click on the "VM" menu item, then "Manage" and then "Clone...".

  1. The "Clone Virtual Machine Wizard" will start. Click on the button "Next".

  1. On the "Clone Source" pane, select "The current state in the virtual machine".

  1. On the "Clone Type" pane, select "Create a full clone".

  1. On the "Name of the New Virtual Machine" pane, enter the name you would like to give the clone. In my case, I prefix the name with "Clone" so it is easy to spot.
  2. Like the previous tutorial, be sure to create a folder that the clone will go into as VMWare Workstation will not create a new folder based off of the name of the clone that you enter.

  1. The cloning process will begin.

  1. Upon completion you should see the clone appear under "My Computer" and a new tab open up for it.

  1. While a complete clone was made and a new MAC address was assigned to it, VMWare did not actually update the same interface as the parent VM; rather a new interface was created along with retaining the original interface settings from the parent.
  2. Now start the clone and login under the root account.
  3. Open the cloned virtual machine's hardware settings and write down the new MAC address that was assigned to it.

  1. In order to update the interfaces for the new MAC address, open the prompt and go to /etc/udev/rules.d
  2. Although it may vary depending on what your CentOS set-up is, in this case gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules

  1. Here, I added some comments to explain what transpired during the clone process.
  2. To ensure that the clone has the same eth0 active (and no new eth1), I commented out the original eth0 line and revised the eth1 entry to eth0, verifying that it also contains the new MAC address.

  1. The next file to modify is ifcfg-eth0. This is done via gedit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

  1. Update "HWADDR" to be the new MAC address.

  1. Now, you should be able to enter "service network restart" at the prompt and eth0 will be ready to use!

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